Revolt Production Music - Fabric Of Space-Time [Epic Music - Beautiful Emotional Ethereal]

2016-11-19 91

DOES SATAN HAVE A CORRUPTED BLOODLINE ON THE EARTH TODAY? New Theory Suggests that Humans with blood type Rh Negative may Belong to an Demonic lineage
Humans have possible four general blood types: A, B, AB and O; this classification is derived, according to scientists from proteins which are found on the surface of cells which are designed to fight off bacteria and viruses in the human body. The vast majority of humans beings on this planet have these proteins which means they are Rh positive. But a minor group, the Rh Negative lacks these proteins. So how is this crucial difference explained scientifically? And why does it even exist? Throughout the years, several scientific studies have searched for this answer.
Now, scientists believe they have found out a fascinating thing in regards of Rh Positive and negative. According to this “scientific” theory, in the distant past, Demonic beings created, through “genetic manipulation,” the Rh Negative with an intention of creating a race of “slaves”.
The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one® negative gene.
According to investigators, this would explain why Rh negative mothers do not tolerate fetuses with RH Positive blood; thus, this radical, hard-to-explain, by most natural laws intolerance could derive from an ancient genetic modification why Rh positive and Rh negative groups tend to “repel” each other instead of merging.
This theory goes back to ancient sumerian times.
It is believed that these Satanic beings planed and genetically altered primitive human species, creating stronger and more “adequate” beings that were used as slaves in the distant past.
The Rh negative would be the legacy that the Anunnaki left on Earth among other things. Interestingly, the negative RH strain is characteristic, for example, of the British royal family, which has generated controversial theories about a possible extraterrestrial lineage. although this hypothesis has not been confirmed, the disturbing questions it generates floats in the air: how civilized world would react to the fact that a small portion of the Earth’s population has a genetic code that has been altered in the distant past by highly advanced extraterrestrial beings.
What if it is possible, after all of our “skeptical” views that in the end, the Negative Rh group of people have a connection to “beings” not from earth. What if there still is, a mysterious bond that connects them? How would life on Earth change? As hard as it is to imagine, it may be possible that the illuminists may in fact be from a corrupted bloodline that started back in the Garden of Eden.
What I am about to suggest is far from conclusive. Much of what I am about to write is speculative and conjecture. But when we examine the Bible and what it says about human history and what happened “In The Beginning”, truth is surely stranger than any fiction ever written.
Let’s take a look at Genesis 6:4. In it you’ll see that Satan and his cohorts have in the past been able to manipulate the human genome to actually create human/demon hybrids. Skeletons have actually been found and have been hidden from the public. The below photos most likely are not real, but are accurate in the sense of the dimensions of the Nephillum. In the above scripture, we see that Satan has in the past corrupted the very DNA of many humans and the offspring were the Nephillim. That’s why God sent the flood in Noah’s day, to destroy the Nephillum which Satan was going to use to destroy any chance of a Messiah coming through any normal human genome lineage. Another thing to take note of, is that these evil beings were not unseen spirits. There were able to have physical relations with human women. Some of these fallen Angels may have been bound underground: I suspect these angles chained underground are at least partially responsible for the UFO phenomenon and when engineers started building tunnels in the 1940’s, they literally opened up pa pandora’s box. But that’s a issue for another time. Now, that brings us to Genesis 3:15. Let’s look at the possibility that the “serpent” may in fact have a seed. By the way, this has nothing to do the the Jewish religion as some have suggested. If the Serpent in Genesis did have a lineage, it was most likely through Cain and Cain’s lineage is not tracked in Scripture. BUT, the illuminists think they can track their heritage back to Lucifer….and they may well be able to.